Displaying 621 – 640 of 1295

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On radial behaviour and balanced Bloch functions.

Juan Jesús Donaire, Christian Pommerenke (1999)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A Bloch function g is a function analytic in the unit disk such that (1 - |z|2) |g' (z)| is bounded. First we generalize the theorem of Rohde that, for every bad Bloch function, g(rζ) (r → 1) follows any prescribed curve at a bounded distance for ζ in a set of Hausdorff dimension almost one. Then we introduce balanced Bloch functions. They are characterized by the fact that |g'(z)| does not vary much on each circle {|z| = r} except for small exceptional arcs. We show e.g. that∫01 |g'(rζ)|dr <...

On ramifications divisors of functions in a punctured compact Riemann surface.

Pascual Cutillas Ripoll (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let ν be a compact Riemann surface and ν' be the complement in ν of a nonvoid finite subset. Let M(ν') be the field of meromorphic functions in ν'. In this paper we study the ramification divisors of the functions in M(ν') which have exponential singularities of finite degree at the points of ν-ν', and one proves, for instance, that if a function in M(ν') belongs to the subfield generated by the functions of this type, and has a finite ramification divisor, it also has a finite divisor. It is also...

On Some of Professor Peter Rusev's Contributions

Kiryakova, Virginia (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 33-00, 33C45, 33C52, 30C15, 30D20, 32A17, 32H02, 44A05The 6th International Conference "Transform Methods and Special Functions' 2011", 20 - 23 October 2011 was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Peter Rusev, as one of the founders of this series of international meetings in Bulgaria, since 1994. It is a pleasure to congratulate the Jubiliar on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and International Steering Committee, and to present shortly some of his life achievements...

On strong tracts of subharmonic functions of infinite lower order

I. I. Marchenko, A. Szkibiel (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The notion of a strong asymptotic tract for subharmonic functions is defined. Eremenko's value b(∞,u) for subharmonic functions is introduced and it is used to provide an exact upper estimate of the number of strong tracts of subharmonic functions of infinite lower order. It is also shown that b(∞,u) ≤ π for subharmonic functions of infinite lower order.

On supports of dynamical laminations and biaccessible points in polynomial Julia sets

Stanislav K. Smirnov (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We use Beurling estimates and Zdunik's theorem to prove that the support of a lamination of the circle corresponding to a connected polynomial Julia set has zero length, unless f is conjugate to a Chebyshev polynomial. Equivalently, except for the Chebyshev case, the biaccessible points in the connected polynomial Julia set have zero harmonic measure.

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 1295