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Holomorphic motions commuting with semigroups

Zbigniew Słodkowski (1996)

Studia Mathematica

A holomorphic family f z , |z|<1, of injections of a compact set E into the Riemann sphere can be extended to a holomorphic family of homeomorphisms F z , |z|<1, of the Riemann sphere. (An earlier result of the author.) It is shown below that there exist extensions F z which, in addition, commute with some holomorphic families of holomorphic endomorphisms of ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ f z ( E ) , |z|<1 (under suitable assumptions). The classes of covering maps and maps with the path lifting property are discussed.

Horizontal sections of connections on curves and transcendence

C. Gasbarri (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K be a number field, X be a smooth projective curve over it and D be a reduced divisor on X. Let (E,∇) be a vector bundle with connection having meromorphic singularities on D. Let p 1 , . . . , p s X ( K ) and X o : = X ̅ D , p 1 , . . . , p s (the p j ’s may be in the support of D). Using tools from Nevanlinna theory and formal geometry, we give the definition of E-section of arithmetic type of the vector bundle E with respect to the points p j ; this is the natural generalization of the notion of E-function defined in Siegel-Shidlovskiĭ theory. We prove...

Hyperbolic components of the complex exponential family

Robert L. Devaney, Nuria Fagella, Xavier Jarque (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe the structure of the hyperbolic components of the parameter plane of the complex exponential family, as started in [1]. More precisely, we label each component with a parameter plane kneading sequence, and we prove the existence of a hyperbolic component for any given such sequence. We also compare these sequences with the more commonly used dynamical kneading sequences.

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