Inverse mean value property of harmonic functions.
We extend the Rado-Choquet-Kneser theorem to mappings with Lipschitz boundary data and essentially positive Jacobian at the boundary without restriction on the convexity of image domain. The proof is based on a recent extension of the Rado-Choquet-Kneser theorem by Alessandrini and Nesi and it uses an approximation scheme. Some applications to families of quasiconformal harmonic mappings between Jordan domains are given.
On the domain S_a = {(x,e^b): x ∈ N, b ∈ ℝ, b > a} where N is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group, a certain N-left-invariant, second order, degenerate elliptic operator L is considered. N × {e^a} is the Poisson boundary for L-harmonic functions F, i.e. F is the Poisson integral F(xe^b) = ʃ_N f(xy)dμ^b_a(x), for an f in L^∞(N). The main theorem of the paper asserts that the maximal function M^a f(x) = sup{|ʃf(xy)dμ_a^b(y)| : b > a} is of weak type (1,1).
We construct a nonbasic harmonic mapping of the unit disk onto a convex wedge. This mapping satisfies the partial differential equation where a(z) is a nontrivial extreme point of the unit ball of .
Si dimostra con esempi che la distanza di Hausdorff-Carathéodory fra i valori di funzioni multivoche, analitiche secondo Oka, non è subarmonica.
The relation between the Jacobian and the orders of a linear invariant family of locally univalent harmonic mapping in the plane is studied. The new order (called the strong order) of a linear invariant family is defined and the relations between order and strong order are established.
The aim of this work is to answer positively a more general question than the following which is due to T. Sheil-Small: Does the harmonic extension in the open unit disc of a mapping f from the unit circle into itself of the form f(eit) = eiϕ(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, where ϕ is a continuously non-decreasing function that satisfies ϕ(2π)−ϕ(0) = 2Nπ, assume every value finitely many times in the disc?