Displaying 101 – 120 of 183

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On nonimbeddability of Hartogs figures into complex manifolds

E. Chirka, S. Ivashkovich (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We prove the impossibility of imbeddings of Hartogs figures into general complex manifolds which are close to an imbedding of an analytic disc attached to a totally real collar. Analogously we provide examples of the so called thin Hartogs figures in complex manifolds having no neighborhood biholomorphic to an open set in a Stein manifold.

On the complex and convex geometry of Ol'shanskii semigroups

Karl-Hermann Neeb (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

To a pair of a Lie group G and an open elliptic convex cone W in its Lie algebra one associates a complex semigroup S = G Exp ( i W ) which permits an action of G × G by biholomorphic mappings. In the case where W is a vector space S is a complex reductive group. In this paper we show that such semigroups are always Stein manifolds, that a biinvariant domain D S is Stein is and only if it is of the form G Exp ( D h ) , with D h i W convex, that each holomorphic function on D extends to the smallest biinvariant Stein domain containing D ,...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 183