Displaying 141 – 160 of 191

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The Mumford conjecture

Geoffrey Powell (2004/2005)

Séminaire Bourbaki

The Mumford Conjecture asserts that the rational cohomology of the stable moduli space of Riemann surfaces is a polynomial algebra on the Mumford-Morita-Miller characteristic classes; this can be reformulated in terms of the classifying space B Γ derived from the mapping class groups. The conjecture admits a topological generalization, inspired by Tillmann’s theorem that B Γ admits an infinite loop space structure after applying Quillen’s plus construction. The text presents the proof by Madsen and...

Topological types of symmetries of elliptic-hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces and an application to moduli spaces.

José A. Bujalance, Antonio F. Costa, Ana M. Porto (2003)


Sea X una superficie de Riemann de género g. Diremos que la superficie X es elíptica-hiperelíptica si admite una involución conforme h de modo que X/〈h〉 tenga género uno. La involución h se llama entonces involución elíptica-hiperelíptica. Si g > 5 entonces la involución h es única, ver [1]. Llamamos simetría a toda involución anticonforme de X. Sea Aut±(X) el grupo de automorfismos conformes y anticonformes de X y σ, τ dos simetrías de X con puntos fijos y tales que {σ, hσ} y {τ, hτ} no...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 191