Higher-Dimensional Analogues of Inoue-Hirzebruch Surfaces.
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G.K. Sankaran (1986)
Mathematische Annalen
Klaus Langmann (1989)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Peter Kiernan (1973)
Mathematische Annalen
Grzegorz Boryczka, Luis Tovar (1996)
Banach Center Publications
The authors are dealing with the Dirichlet integral-type biholomorphic-invariant pseudodistance introduced by Dolbeault and Ławrynowicz (1989) in connection with bordered holomorphic chains of dimension one. Several properties of the related hyperbolic-like manifolds are considered remarking the analogies with and differences from the familiar hyperbolic and Stein manifolds. Likewise several examples are treated in detail.
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