-analogue of Wright function.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D90, 39A13In this paper we study the q-heat and q-Poisson’s operators associated with the q-operator ∆q (see[5]). We begin by summarizing some statements concerning the q-even translation operator Tx,q, defined by Fitouhi and Bouzeffour in [5]. Then, we establish some basic properties of the q-heat semi-group such as boundedness and positivity. In the second part, we introduce the q-Poisson operator P^t, and address its main properties. We show...
Nous explicitons la valeur de certains des coefficients binomiaux généralisés associés aux polynômes de Macdonald, c’est-à-dire la valeur en certains points particuliers des polynômes de Macdonald décalés. Ces expressions font intervenir les fonctions hypergéométriques de base .