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On families of trajectories of an analytic gradient vector field

Adam Dzedzej, Zbigniew Szafraniec (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For an analytic function f:ℝⁿ,0 → ℝ,0 having a critical point at the origin, we describe the topological properties of the partition of the family of trajectories of the gradient equation ẋ = ∇f(x) attracted by the origin, given by characteristic exponents and asymptotic critical values.

On the number of zeros of Melnikov functions

Sergey Benditkis, Dmitry Novikov (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We provide an effective uniform upper bound for the number of zeros of the first non-vanishing Melnikov function of a polynomial perturbations of a planar polynomial Hamiltonian vector field. The bound depends on degrees of the field and of the perturbation, and on the order k of the Melnikov function. The generic case k = 1 was considered by Binyamini, Novikov and Yakovenko [BNY10]. The bound follows from an effective construction of the Gauss-Manin connection for iterated integrals.

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