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Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of third order nonlinear difference equations of neutral type

Anna Andruch-Sobiło, Andrzej Drozdowicz (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper we consider the difference equation of neutral type Δ 3 [ x ( n ) - p ( n ) x ( σ ( n ) ) ] + q ( n ) f ( x ( τ ( n ) ) ) = 0 , n ( n 0 ) , where p , q : ( n 0 ) + ; σ , τ : , σ is strictly increasing and lim n σ ( n ) = ; τ is nondecreasing and lim n τ ( n ) = , f : , x f ( x ) > 0 . We examine the following two cases: 0 < p ( n ) λ * < 1 , σ ( n ) = n - k , τ ( n ) = n - l , and 1 < λ * p ( n ) , σ ( n ) = n + k , τ ( n ) = n + l , where k , l are positive integers. We obtain sufficient conditions under which all nonoscillatory solutions of the above equation tend to zero as n with a weaker assumption on q than the...

Asymptotic properties of solutions of second order quasilinear functional differential equations of neutral type

Takaŝi Kusano, Pavol Marušiak (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper establishes existence of nonoscillatory solutions with specific asymptotic behaviors of second order quasilinear functional differential equations of neutral type. Then sufficient, sufficient and necessary conditions are proved under which every solution of the equation is either oscillatory or tends to zero as t .

Bounded oscillation of nonlinear neutral differential equations of arbitrary order

Yeter Ş. Yilmaz, Ağacik Zafer (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper is concerned with oscillation properties of n -th order neutral differential equations of the form [ x ( t ) + c x ( τ ( t ) ) ] ( n ) + q ( t ) f x ( σ ( t ) ) = 0 , t t 0 > 0 , where c is a real number with | c | 1 , q C ( [ t 0 , ) , ) , f C ( , ) , τ , σ C ( [ t 0 , ) , + ) with τ ( t ) < t and lim t τ ( t ) = lim t σ ( t ) = . Sufficient conditions are established for the existence of positive solutions and for oscillation of bounded solutions of the above equation. Combination of these conditions provides necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of bounded solutions of the equation. Furthermore, the results are generalized to equations in which...

Classifications and existence of nonoscillatory solutions of second order nonlinear neutral differential equations

Wantong Li (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A class of neutral nonlinear differential equations is studied. Various classifications of their eventually positive solutions are given. Necessary and/or sufficient conditions are then derived for the existence of these eventually positive solutions. The derivations are based on two fixed point theorems as well as the method of successive approximations.

Comparison theorems for differential equations of neutral type

Miroslava Růžičková (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

We are interested in comparing the oscillatory and asymptotic properties of the equations L n [ x ( t ) - P ( t ) x ( g ( t ) ) ] + δ f ( t , x ( h ( t ) ) ) = 0 with those of the equations M n [ x ( t ) - P ( t ) x ( g ( t ) ) ] + δ Q ( t ) q ( x ( r ( t ) ) ) = 0 .

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 280