Displaying 101 – 120 of 182

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Partial differential operators depending analytically on a parameter

Frank Mantlik (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let P ( λ , D ) = | α | m a α ( λ ) D α be a differential operator with constant coefficients a α depending analytically on a parameter λ . Assume that the family { P( λ ,D) } is of constant strength. We investigate the equation P ( λ , D ) 𝔣 λ g λ where 𝔤 λ is a given analytic function of λ with values in some space of distributions and the solution 𝔣 λ is required to depend analytically on λ , too. As a special case we obtain a regular fundamental solution of P( λ ,D) which depends analytically on λ . This result answers a question of L. Hörmander.

Propagation des singularités pour une classe d'opérateurs à caractéristiques multiples et résolubilité locale

Jacques Chazarain (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On considère des opérateurs P à caractéristiques de multiplicité constante et à partie principale réelle. Avec une hypothèse, dite condition de Lévi, sur les termes d’ordre inférieur, on étend à ces opérateurs le théorème de Duistermaat-Hörmander sur l’invariance par le flot hamiltonien du spectre singulier des solutions u de P u = f . Un point essentiel réside dans la preuve de l’invariance de la condition de Lévi par transformation canonique. On donne une application à la résolubilité locale de ce type...

Proximinality and co-proximinality in metric linear spaces

T.D. Narang, Sahil Gupta (2015)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

As a counterpart to best approximation, the concept of best coapproximation was introduced in normed linear spaces by C. Franchetti and M. Furi in 1972. Subsequently, this study was taken up by many researchers. In this paper, we discuss some results on the existence and uniqueness of best approximation and best coapproximation when the underlying spaces are metric linear spaces

Résolubilité Gevrey d'opérateurs différentiels à coefficients constants

Giuseppe Zampieri (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si discute l'esistenza di soluzioni Γ ( d ) su insiemi aperti Ω n per equazioni differenziali iperbolico-ipoellittiche. Si dà una caratterizzazione geometrica quasi completa per aperti Ω 2 .

Right inverses for partial differential operators on Fourier hyperfunctions

Michael Langenbruch (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize the partial differential operators P(D) admitting a continuous linear right inverse in the space of Fourier hyperfunctions by means of a dual (Ω̅)-type estimate valid for the bounded holomorphic functions on the characteristic variety V P near d . The estimate can be transferred to plurisubharmonic functions and is equivalent to a uniform (local) Phragmén-Lindelöf-type condition.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 182