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Odometers and Toeplitz systems revisited in the context of Sarnak's conjecture

Tomasz Downarowicz, Stanisław Kasjan (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Although Sarnak's conjecture holds for compact group rotations (irrational rotations, odometers), it is not even known whether it holds for all Jewett-Krieger models of such rotations. In this paper we show that it does, as long as the model is at the same a topological extension, via the same map that establishes the isomorphism, of an equicontinuous model. In particular, we recover (after [AKL]) that regular Toeplitz systems satisfy Sarnak's conjecture, and, as another consequence, so do...

On a certain map of a triangle

Grzegorz Świrszcz (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The paper answers some questions asked by Sharkovski concerning the map F:(u,v) ↦ (u(4-u-v),uv) of the triangle Δ = u,v ≥ 0: u+v ≤ 4. We construct an absolutely continuous σ-finite invariant measure for F. We also prove the following strange phenomenon. The preimages of side I = Δ ∩ v=0 form a dense subset F - n ( I ) of Δ and there is another dense set Λ consisting of points whose orbits approach the interval I but are not attracted by I.

On a one-dimensional analogue of the Smale horseshoe

Ryszard Rudnicki (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We construct a transformation T:[0,1] → [0,1] having the following properties: 1) (T,|·|) is completely mixing, where |·| is Lebesgue measure, 2) for every f∈ L¹ with ∫fdx = 1 and φ ∈ C[0,1] we have φ ( T n x ) f ( x ) d x φ d μ , where μ is the cylinder measure on the standard Cantor set, 3) if φ ∈ C[0,1] then n - 1 i = 0 n - 1 φ ( T i x ) φ d μ for Lebesgue-a.e. x.

On absorption times and Dirichlet eigenvalues

Laurent Miclo (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper gives a stochastic representation in spectral terms for the absorption time T of a finite Markov chain which is irreducible and reversible outside the absorbing point. This yields quantitative informations on the parameters of a similar representation due to O'Cinneide for general chains admitting real eigenvalues. In the discrete time setting, if the underlying Dirichlet eigenvalues (namely the eigenvalues of the Markov transition operator restricted to the functions vanishing on...

On approximation of homeomorphisms of a Cantor set

Konstantin Medynets (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We continue the study of topological properties of the group Homeo(X) of all homeomorphisms of a Cantor set X with respect to the uniform topology τ, which was started by Bezuglyi, Dooley, Kwiatkowski and Medynets. We prove that the set of periodic homeomorphisms is τ-dense in Homeo(X) and deduce from this result that the topological group (Homeo(X),τ) has the Rokhlin property, i.e., there exists a homeomorphism whose conjugacy class is τ-dense in Homeo(X). We also show that for any homeomorphism...

On dependence structure of copula-based Markov chains

Martial Longla (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider dependence coefficients for stationary Markov chains. We emphasize on some equivalencies for reversible Markov chains. We improve some known results and provide a necessary condition for Markov chains based on Archimedean copulas to be exponential ρ-mixing. We analyse the example of the Mardia and Frechet copula families using small sets.

On diffeomorphisms with polynomial growth of the derivative on surfaces

Krzysztof Frączek (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider zero entropy C -diffeomorphisms on compact connected C -manifolds. We introduce the notion of polynomial growth of the derivative for such diffeomorphisms, and study it for diffeomorphisms which additionally preserve a smooth measure. We show that if a manifold M admits an ergodic diffeomorphism with polynomial growth of the derivative then there exists a smooth flow with no fixed point on M. Moreover, if dim M = 2, then necessarily M = ² and the diffeomorphism is C -conjugate to a skew...

On disjointness properties of some smooth flows

Krzysztof Frączek, Mariusz Lemańczyk (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Special flows over some locally rigid automorphisms and under L² ceiling functions satisfying a local L² Denjoy-Koksma type inequality are considered. Such flows are proved to be disjoint (in the sense of Furstenberg) from mixing flows and (under some stronger assumption) from weakly mixing flows for which the weak closure of the set of all instances consists of indecomposable Markov operators. As applications we prove that ∙ special flows built over ergodic interval exchange...

On embeddability of automorphisms into measurable flows from the point of view of self-joining properties

Joanna Kułaga-Przymus (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We compare self-joining and embeddability properties. In particular, we prove that a measure preserving flow ( T t ) t with T₁ ergodic is 2-fold quasi-simple (resp. 2-fold distally simple) if and only if T₁ is 2-fold quasi-simple (resp. 2-fold distally simple). We also show that the Furstenberg-Zimmer decomposition for a flow ( T t ) t with T₁ ergodic with respect to any flow factor is the same for ( T t ) t and for T₁. We give an example of a 2-fold quasi-simple flow disjoint from simple flows and whose time-one map is...

On ergodicity of some cylinder flows

Krzysztof Frączek (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study ergodicity of cylinder flows of the form    T f : T × T × , T f ( x , y ) = ( x + α , y + f ( x ) ) , where f : T is a measurable cocycle with zero integral. We show a new class of smooth ergodic cocycles. Let k be a natural number and let f be a function such that D k f is piecewise absolutely continuous (but not continuous) with zero sum of jumps. We show that if the points of discontinuity of D k f have some good properties, then T f is ergodic. Moreover, there exists ε f > 0 such that if v : T is a function with zero integral such that D k v is of bounded variation...

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