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Equilibrium states for interval maps: the potential - t log | D f |

Henk Bruin, Mike Todd (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let f : I I be a C 2 multimodal interval map satisfying polynomial growth of the derivatives along critical orbits. We prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the potential φ t : x - t log | D f ( x ) | for t close to 1 , and also that the pressure function t P ( φ t ) is analytic on an appropriate interval near t = 1 .

Ergodic theory of interval exchange maps.

Marcelo Viana (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A unified introduction to the dynamics of interval exchange maps and related topics, such as the geometry of translation surfaces, renormalization operators, and Teichmüller flows, starting from the basic definitions and culminating with the proof that almost every interval exchange map is uniquely ergodic. Great emphasis is put on examples and geometric interpretations of the main ideas.

Étude d’une transformation non uniformément hyperbolique de l’intervalle [ 0 , 1 [

Albert Raugi (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous étudions un exemple de transformation non uniformément hyperbolique de l’intervalle [ 0 , 1 [ . Des exemples analogues ont été étudiés par de nombreux auteurs. Notre méthode utilise une théorie spectrale, pour une classe d’opérateurs vérifiant des conditions faibles de Doeblin-Fortet, introduite dans [1]. Elle nous permet, en particulier, de donner une estimation de la vitesse de décroissance des corrélations pour des fonctions non höldériennes.

Expanding repellers in limit sets for iterations of holomorphic functions

Feliks Przytycki (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that for Ω being an immediate basin of attraction to an attracting fixed point for a rational mapping of the Riemann sphere, and for an ergodic invariant measure μ on the boundary FrΩ, with positive Lyapunov exponent, there is an invariant subset of FrΩ which is an expanding repeller of Hausdorff dimension arbitrarily close to the Hausdorff dimension of μ. We also prove generalizations and a geometric coding tree abstract version. The paper is a continuation of a paper in Fund. Math. 145...

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