A 3D Smale horseshoe in a hyperchaotic discrete-time system.
In this paper, we investigate Egoroff’s theorem with respect to monotone set function, and show that a necessary and sufficient condition that Egoroff’s theorem remain valid for monotone set function is that the monotone set function fulfill condition (E). Therefore Egoroff’s theorem for non-additive measure is formulated in full generality.
In [C.W. Gear, T.J. Kaper, I.G. Kevrekidis and A. Zagaris, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 4 (2005) 711–732], we developed a class of iterative algorithms within the context of equation-free methods to approximate low-dimensional, attracting, slow manifolds in systems of differential equations with multiple time scales. For user-specified values of a finite number of the observables, the mth member of the class of algorithms () finds iteratively an approximation of the appropriate zero of the (m+1)st...