Boolean algebra and multivariate interpolation
Approximation theory and functional analysis share many common problems and points of contact. One of the areas of mutual interest is that of density results. In this paper we briefly survey various methods and results in this area starting from work of Weierstrass and Riesz, and extending to more recent times.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A10, 30E10, 41A65.In this paper we consider an L^2 type space of scalar functions L^2 M, A (R u iR) which can be, in particular, the usual L^2 space of scalar functions on R u iR. We find conditions for density of polynomials in this space using a connection with the L^2 space of square-integrable matrix-valued functions on R with respect to a non-negative Hermitian matrix measure. The completness of L^2 M, A (R u iR ) is also established.