Régularité précisée des moyennes dans les équations de transport
In this paper, we study the Marcinkiewicz integral operators MΩ,h on the product space Rn x Rm. We prove that MΩ,h is bounded on Lp(Rn x Rm) (1< p < ∞) provided that h is a bounded radial function and Ω is a function in certain block space Bq(0,0) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) for some q > 1. We also establish the optimality of our condition in the sense that the space Bq(0,0) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) cannot be replaced by Bq(0,r) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) for any −1 < r < 0. Our results improve some...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B15, 42B25In this paper, we establish the L^p boundedness of certain maximal oscillatory singular integral operators with rough kernels belonging to certain block spaces. Our L^p boundedness result improves previously known results.