(Annexe n° 1) Sur les espaces qui ne contiennent pas de uniformément
We provide a partial answer to the question of Vladimir Kadets whether given an ℱ-basis of a Banach space X, with respect to some filter ℱ ⊂ 𝒫(ℕ), the coordinate functionals are continuous. The answer is positive if the character of ℱ is less than 𝔭. In this case every ℱ-basis is an M-basis with brackets which are determined by an element of ℱ.
We study the (I)-envelopes of the unit balls of Banach spaces. We show, in particular, that any nonreflexive space can be renormed in such a way that the (I)-envelope of the unit ball is not the whole bidual unit ball. Further, we give a simpler proof of James' characterization of reflexivity in the nonseparable case. We also study the spaces in which the (I)-envelope of the unit ball adds nothing.
This paper is concerned with the isomorphic structure of the Banach space and how it depends on combinatorial tools whose existence is consistent with but not provable from the usual axioms of ZFC. Our main global result is that it is consistent that does not have an orthogonal -decomposition, that is, it is not of the form for any Banach space X. The main local result is that it is consistent that does not embed isomorphically into , where is the cardinality of the continuum, while ...
We investigate the existence of higher order ℓ¹-spreading models in subspaces of mixed Tsirelson spaces. For instance, we show that the following conditions are equivalent for the mixed Tsirelson space : (1) Every block subspace of X contains an -spreading model, (2) The Bourgain ℓ¹-index for any block subspace Y of X, (3) and every block subspace Y of X contains a block sequence equivalent to a subsequence of the unit vector basis of X. Moreover, if one (and hence all) of these conditions...
We study the structure of spaces of germs of holomorphic functions on compact sets in Fréchet spaces for (LB∞) as well as for (Ω,Ω).