Displaying 441 – 460 of 1070

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The Lévy laplacian and differential operators of 2-nd order in Hilbert spaces

Roman Lávička (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall show that every differential operator of 2-nd order in a real separable Hilbert space can be decomposed into a regular and an irregular operator. Then we shall characterize irregular operators and differential operators satisfying the maximum principle. Results obtained for the Lévy laplacian in [3] will be generalized for irregular differential operators satisfying the maximum principle.

The Lévy-Khintchine formula and Nica-Speicher property for deformations of the free convolution

Łukasz Jan Wojakowski (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We study deformations of the free convolution arising via invertible transformations of probability measures on the real line T:μ ↦ Tμ. We define new associative convolutions of measures by μ T ν = T - 1 ( T μ T ν ) . We discuss infinite divisibility with respect to these convolutions, and we establish a Lévy-Khintchine formula. We conclude the paper by proving that for any such deformation of free probability all probability measures μ have the Nica-Speicher property, that is, one can find their convolution power μ T s for...

The Lindelöf property and σ-fragmentability

B. Cascales, I. Namioka (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In the previous paper, we, together with J. Orihuela, showed that a compact subset X of the product space [ - 1 , 1 ] D is fragmented by the uniform metric if and only if X is Lindelöf with respect to the topology γ(D) of uniform convergence on countable subsets of D. In the present paper we generalize the previous result to the case where X is K-analytic. Stated more precisely, a K-analytic subspace X of [ - 1 , 1 ] D is σ-fragmented by the uniform metric if and only if (X,γ(D)) is Lindelöf, and if this is the case then...

The Lindelöf property in Banach spaces

B. Cascales, I. Namioka, J. Orihuela (2003)

Studia Mathematica

A topological space (T,τ) is said to be fragmented by a metric d on T if each non-empty subset of T has non-empty relatively open subsets of arbitrarily small d-diameter. The basic theorem of the present paper is the following. Let (M,ϱ) be a metric space with ϱ bounded and let D be an arbitrary index set. Then for a compact subset K of the product space M D the following four conditions are equivalent: (i) K is fragmented by d D , where, for each S ⊂ D, d S ( x , y ) = s u p ϱ ( x ( t ) , y ( t ) ) : t S . (ii) For each countable subset A of D, ( K , d A ) is...

The Lions's problem for Gustavsson-Peetre functor.

E.I. Bereznoi, Mieczyslaw Mastylo (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The problem of coincidence of the interpolation spaces obtained by use of the interpolation method of Gustavsson-Peetre generated by (parameters) quasi-concave functions is investigated. It is shown that a restriction of this method to the class of all non-trivial Banach couples gives different interpolation spaces whenever two different parameters satisfying some conditions are used.

The Lizorkin-Freitag formula for several weighted L p spaces and vector-valued interpolation

Irina Asekritova, Natan Krugljak, Ludmila Nikolova (2005)

Studia Mathematica

A complete description of the real interpolation space L = ( L p ( ω ) , . . . , L p ( ω ) ) θ , q is given. An interesting feature of the result is that the whole measure space (Ω,μ) can be divided into disjoint pieces Ω i (i ∈ I) such that L is an l q sum of the restrictions of L to Ω i , and L on each Ω i is a result of interpolation of just two weighted L p spaces. The proof is based on a generalization of some recent results of the first two authors concerning real interpolation of vector-valued spaces.

The Lusin Theorem and Horizontal Graphs in the Heisenberg Group

Piotr Hajłasz, Jacob Mirra (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In this paper we prove that every collection of measurable functions fα , |α| = m, coincides a.e. withmth order derivatives of a function g ∈ Cm−1 whose derivatives of order m − 1 may have any modulus of continuity weaker than that of a Lipschitz function. This is a stronger version of earlier results of Lusin, Moonens-Pfeffer and Francos. As an application we construct surfaces in the Heisenberg group with tangent spaces being horizontal a.e.

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 1070