Displaying 41 – 60 of 170

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Continuous linear extension operators on spaces of holomorphic functions on closed subgroups of a complex Lie group

Do Duc Thai, Dinh Huy Hoang (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We show that the restriction operator of the space of holomorphic functions on a complex Lie group to an analytic subset V has a continuous linear right inverse if it is surjective and if V is a finite branched cover over a connected closed subgroup Γ of G. Moreover, we show that if Γ and G are complex Lie groups and V ⊂ Γ × G is an analytic set such that the canonical projection π 1 : V Γ is finite and proper, then R V : O ( Γ × G ) I m R V O ( V ) has a right inverse

Familles sommables dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques.

Michel Mazan (1982)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

Let E and F be two vector spaces in separating duality. Let us consider T0, the uniform convergence topology on E on the partial sums of families of F which are weakly summable to 0 in F; then, if (E',T'0) is the completion of (E,T0), the finest locally convex topology T on F for which all the weakly summable families in F are also T-summable, is the uniform convergence topology on the T'0-compact subsets of E'. If F is a Banach space and E its dual space F', every weakly summable family in F is...

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