The order topology for function lattices and realcompactness.
Let be a Banach lattice, and denote by its positive cone. The weak topology on is metrizable if and only if it coincides with the strong topology if and only if is Banach-lattice isomorphic to for a set . The weak topology on is metrizable if and only if is Banach-lattice isomorphic to a -space, where is a metrizable compact space.
For a completely regular space X, C(X) and C*(X) denote, respectively, the algebra of all real-valued continuous functions and bounded real-valued continuous functions over X. When X is not a pseudocompact space, i.e., if C*(X) ≠ C(X), theorems about uniform density for subsets of C*(X) are not directly translatable to C(X). In [1], Anderson gives a sufficient condition in order for certain rings of C(X) to be uniformly dense, but this condition is not necessary.In this paper we study the uniform...