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Generalization of the Newman-Shapiro isometry theorem and Toeplitz operators. II

Dariusz Cichoń (2002)

Studia Mathematica

The Newman-Shapiro Isometry Theorem is proved in the case of Segal-Bargmann spaces of entire vector-valued functions (i.e. summable with respect to the Gaussian measure on ℂⁿ). The theorem is applied to find the adjoint of an unbounded Toeplitz operator T φ with φ being an operator-valued exponential polynomial.

Generalized Fock spaces, interpolation, multipliers, circle geometry.

Jaak Peetre, Sundaram Thangavelu, Nils-Olof Wallin (1996)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

By a (generalized) Fock space we understand a Hilbert space of entire analytic functions in the complex plane C which are square integrable with respect to a weight of the type e-Q(z), where Q(z) is a quadratic form such that tr Q > 0. Each such space is in a natural way associated with an (oriented) circle C in C. We consider the problem of interpolation between two Fock spaces. If C0 and C1 are the corresponding circles, one is led to consider the pencil of circles generated by C0 and C1....

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