Cauchy-Kowalewski extension theorems and representations of analytic functionals acting over special classes of real n-dimensional submanifolds of
Let be an analytic functional and let be the corresponding convolution operator on Sato’s space of hyperfunctions. We show that is surjective iff admits an elementary solution in iff the Fourier transform μ̂ satisfies Kawai’s slowly decreasing condition (S). We also show that there are such that is not surjective on .
Let A(Ω) denote the real analytic functions defined on an open set Ω ⊂ ℝⁿ. We show that a partial differential operator P(D) with constant coefficients is surjective on A(Ω) if and only if for any relatively compact open ω ⊂ Ω, P(D) admits (shifted) hyperfunction elementary solutions on Ω which are real analytic on ω (and if the equation P(D)f = g, g ∈ A(Ω), may be solved on ω). The latter condition is redundant if the elementary solutions are defined on conv(Ω). This extends and improves previous...
Let L(z) be the Lie norm on and L*(z) the dual Lie norm. We denote by the space of complex harmonic functions on the open Lie ball and by the space of entire harmonic functions of exponential type (A,L*). A continuous linear functional on these spaces will be called a harmonic functional or an entire harmonic functional. We shall study the conical Fourier-Borel transformations on the spaces of harmonic functionals or entire harmonic functionals.
For an analytic functional on , we study the homogeneous convolution equation S * f = 0 with the holomorphic function f defined on an open set in . We determine the directions in which every solution can be continued analytically, by using the characteristic set.
We determine the convolution operators on the real analytic functions in one variable which admit a continuous linear right inverse. The characterization is given by means of a slowly decreasing condition of Ehrenpreis type and a restriction of hyperbolic type on the location of zeros of the Fourier transform μ̂(z).