Smooth measures, the Malliavin calculus and approximations in infinitedimensional spaces
This is a short survey on some recent as well as classical results and open problems in smoothness and renormings of Banach spaces. Applications in general topology and nonlinear analysis are considered. A few new results and new proofs are included. An effort has been made that a young researcher may enjoy going through it without any special pre-requisites and get a feeling about this area of Banach space theory. Many open problems of different level of difficulty are discussed. For the reader...
A necessary condition is given for the existence of the tensor product of certain measures valued in locally convex spaces.
We present some convergence theorems for the HK-integral of functions taking values in a locally convex space. These theorems are based on the concept of HK-equiintegrability.
Nell'ultimo ventennio tutta una serie di lavori è stata rivolta allo studio delle misure su strutture algebriche più generali delle algebre di Boole, come i poset e i reticoli ortomodulari, le effect algebras, le BCK-algebras. La teoria così ottenuta interessa l'analisi funzionale, il calcolo delle probabilità e la topologia, più recentemente la teoria delle decisioni. Si presentano alcuni risultati relativi a misure su strutture algebriche non-standard analizzando, in particolare, gli aspetti topologici...
Let X and Y be Banach spaces. A subset M of (X,Y) (the vector space of all compact operators from X into Y endowed with the operator norm) is said to be equicompact if every bounded sequence (xₙ) in X has a subsequence such that is uniformly convergent for T ∈ M. We study the relationship between this concept and the notion of uniformly completely continuous set and give some applications. Among other results, we obtain a generalization of the classical Ascoli theorem and a compactness criterion...