Displaying 461 – 480 of 1085

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Lineability of the set of holomorphic mappings with dense range

Jerónimo López-Salazar (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let U be an open subset of a separable Banach space. Let ℱ be the collection of all holomorphic mappings f from the open unit disc 𝔻 ⊂ ℂ into U such that f(𝔻) is dense in U. We prove the lineability and density of ℱ in appropriate spaces for different choices of U.

Linear topological invariants of spaces of holomorphic functions in infinite dimension.

Nguyen Minh Ha, Le Mau Hai (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is shown that if E is a Frechet space with the strong dual E* then Hb(E*), the space of holomorphic functions on E* which are bounded on every bounded set in E*, has the property (DN) when E ∈ (DN) and that Hb(E*) ∈ (Ω) when E ∈ (Ω) and either E* has an absolute basis or E is a Hilbert-Frechet-Montel space. Moreover the complementness of ideals J(V) consisting of holomorphic functions on E* which are equal to 0 on V in H(E*) for every nuclear Frechet space E with E ∈ (DN) ∩ (Ω) is stablished...

Linearity in non-linear problems.

Richard Aron, Domingo García, Manuel Maestre (2001)


Estudiamos algunas situaciones donde encontramos un problema que, a primera vista, parece no tener solución. Pero, de hecho, existe un subespacio vectorial grande de soluciones del mismo.

Lipschitz extensions of convex-valued maps

Alberto Bressan, Agostino Cortesi (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si dimostra che ogni funzione multivoca lipschitziana con costante di Lipschitz M , definita su un sottoinsieme di uno spazio di Hilbert H a valori compatti e convessi in n , può essere estesa su tutto H ad una funzione multivoca lipschitziana con costante minore di 7 nM. In generale, non esistono invece estensioni aventi la stessa costante di Lipschitz M .

Lower bounds for norms of products of polynomials on L p spaces

Daniel Carando, Damián Pinasco, Jorge Tomás Rodríguez (2013)

Studia Mathematica

For 1 < p < 2 we obtain sharp lower bounds for the uniform norm of products of homogeneous polynomials on L p ( μ ) , whenever the number of factors is no greater than the dimension of these Banach spaces (a condition readily satisfied in infinite-dimensional settings). The result also holds for the Schatten classes p . For p > 2 we present some estimates on the constants involved.

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 1085