Convexity in complex analysis
Let (Ω,Σ,μ) be a complete finite measure space and X a Banach space. We show that the space of all weakly μ-measurable (classes of scalarly equivalent) X-valued Pettis integrable functions with integrals of finite variation, equipped with the variation norm, contains a copy of if and only if X does.
The problem of finding complemented copies of lp in another space is a classical problem in Functional Analysis and has been studied from different points of view in the literature. Here we pay attention to complementation of lp in an n-fold tensor product of lq spaces because we were lead to that result in the study of Grothendieck's Problème des topologies as we shall comment later.
We lift to homogeneous polynomials and multilinear mappings a linear result due to Lindenstrauss and Pełczyński for absolutely summing operators. We explore the notion of cotype to obtain stronger results and provide various examples of situations in which the space of absolutely summing homogeneous polynomials is different from the whole space of homogeneous polynomials. Among other consequences, these results enable us to obtain answers to some open questions about absolutely summing homogeneous...
Criteria are given for determining the weak compactness, or otherwise, of the integration map associated with a vector measure. For instance, the space of integrable functions of a weakly compact integration map is necessarily normable for the mean convergence topology. Results are presented which relate weak compactness of the integration map with the property of being a bicontinuous isomorphism onto its range. Finally, a detailed description is given of the compactness properties for the integration...