Quadratic functionals and Jordan *-derivations
The problem of representability of quadratic functionals by sesquilinear forms is studied in this article in the setting of a module over an algebra that belongs to a certain class of complex Banach *-algebras with an approximate identity. That class includes C*-algebras as well as H*-algebras and their trace classes. Each quadratic functional acting on such a module can be represented by a unique sesquilinear form. That form generally takes values in a larger algebra than the given quadratic functional...
We introduce a partial order relation in the Fock space. Applying it we show that for the quasi-invariant subspace [p] generated by a polynomial p with nonzero leading term, a quasi-invariant subspace M is similar to [p] if and only if there exists a polynomial q with the same leading term as p such that M = [q].
Let A be the Banach algebra of approximable operators on an arbitrary Banach space X. For the spaces of all bilinear continuous quasi-multipliers of A resp. its dual A* resp. its bidual A**, concrete representations as spaces of operators are given.