Displaying 881 – 900 of 939

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Vector-valued invariant means on spaces of bounded linear maps

Mahshid Dashti, Rasoul Nasr-Isfahani, Sima Soltani Renani (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let 𝓐 be a Banach algebra and let ℳ be a W*-algebra. For a homomorphism Φ from 𝓐 into ℳ, we introduce and study ℳ -valued invariant Φ-means on the space of bounded linear maps from 𝓐 into ℳ. We establish several characterizations of existence of an ℳ -valued invariant Φ-mean on B(𝓐,ℳ). We also study the relation between existence of an ℳ -valued invariant Φ-mean on B(𝓐,ℳ) and amenability of 𝓐. Finally, for a character ϕ of 𝓐, we give some descriptions for ϕ-amenability of 𝓐 in terms of ℳ...

Weak amenability of the second dual of a Banach algebra

M. Eshaghi Gordji, M. Filali (2007)

Studia Mathematica

It is known that a Banach algebra inherits amenability from its second Banach dual **. No example is yet known whether this fails if one considers the weak amenability instead, but the property is known to hold for the group algebra L¹(G), the Fourier algebra A(G) when G is amenable, the Banach algebras which are left ideals in **, the dual Banach algebras, and the Banach algebras which are Arens regular and have every derivation from into * weakly compact. In this paper, we extend this class of...

Weak amenability of weighted group algebras on some discrete groups

Varvara Shepelska (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Weak amenability of ℓ¹(G,ω) for commutative groups G was completely characterized by N. Gronbaek in 1989. In this paper, we study weak amenability of ℓ¹(G,ω) for two important non-commutative locally compact groups G: the free group ₂, which is non-amenable, and the amenable (ax + b)-group. We show that the condition that characterizes weak amenability of ℓ¹(G,ω) for commutative groups G remains necessary for the non-commutative case, but it is sufficient neither for ℓ¹(₂,ω) nor for ℓ¹((ax + b),ω)...

Weak * -continuous derivations in dual Banach algebras

M. Eshaghi-Gordji, A. Ebadian, F. Habibian, B. Hayati (2012)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let 𝒜 be a dual Banach algebra. We investigate the first weak * -continuous cohomology group of 𝒜 with coefficients in 𝒜 . Hence, we obtain conditions on 𝒜 for which H w * 1 ( 𝒜 , 𝒜 ) = { 0 } .

Weak invertibility and strong spectrum

Michael Meyer (1993)

Studia Mathematica

A notion of weak invertibility in a unital associative algebra A and a corresponding notion of strong spectrum of an element of A is defined. It is shown that many relationships between the Jacobson radical, the group of invertibles and the spectrum have analogues relating the strong radical, the set of weakly invertible elements and the strong spectrum. The nonunital case is also discussed. A characterization is given of all (submultiplicative) norms on A in which every modular maximal ideal M...

Weak multiplicative operators on function algebras without units

Thomas Tonev (2010)

Banach Center Publications

For a function algebra A let ∂A be the Shilov boundary, δA the Choquet boundary, p(A) the set of p-points, and |A| = |f|: f ∈ A. Let X and Y be locally compact Hausdorff spaces and A ⊂ C(X) and B ⊂ C(Y) be dense subalgebras of function algebras without units, such that X = ∂A, Y = ∂B and p(A) = δA, p(B) = δB. We show that if Φ: |A| → |B| is an increasing bijection which is sup-norm-multiplicative, i.e. ||Φ(|f|)Φ(|g|)|| = ||fg||, f,g ∈ A, then there is a homeomorphism ψ: p(B) → p(A) with respect...

When is L(X) topologizable as a topological algebra?

W. Żelazko (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a locally convex space and L(X) be the algebra of all continuous endomorphisms of X. It is known (Esterle [2], [3]) that if L(X) is topologizable as a topological algebra, then the space X is subnormed. We show that in the case when X is sequentially complete this condition is also sufficient. In this case we also obtain some other conditions equivalent to the topologizability of L(X). We also exhibit a class of subnormed spaces X, called sub-Banach spaces, which are not necessarily sequentially...

When is there a discontinuous homomorphism from L¹(G)?

Volker Runde (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be an A*-algebra with enveloping C*-algebra C*(A). We show that, under certain conditions, a homomorphism from C*(A) into a Banach algebra is continuous if and only if its restriction to A is continuous. We apply this result to the question in the title.

When unit groups of continuous inverse algebras are regular Lie groups

Helge Glöckner, Karl-Hermann Neeb (2012)

Studia Mathematica

It is a basic fact in infinite-dimensional Lie theory that the unit group A × of a continuous inverse algebra A is a Lie group. We describe criteria ensuring that the Lie group A × is regular in Milnor’s sense. Notably, A × is regular if A is Mackey-complete and locally m-convex.

Currently displaying 881 – 900 of 939