Displaying 141 – 160 of 939

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Aspects of the theory of derivations

Gerard Murphy (1994)

Banach Center Publications

We survey some old and new results in the theory of derivations on Banach algebras. Although our overview is broad ranging, our principal interest is in recent results concerning conditions on a derivation implying that its range is contained in the radical of the algebra.

Asymmetric decompositions of vectors in J B * -algebras

Akhlaq A. Siddiqui (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

By investigating the extent to which variation in the coefficients of a convex combination of unitaries in a unital J B * -algebra permits that combination to be expressed as convex combination of fewer unitaries of the same algebra, we generalise various results of R. V. Kadison and G. K. Pedersen. In the sequel, we shall give a couple of characterisations of J B * -algebras of t s r 1 .

Automatic continuity of biorthogonality preservers between weakly compact JB*-triples and atomic JBW*-triples

María Burgos, Jorge J. Garcés, Antonio M. Peralta (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that every biorthogonality preserving linear surjection from a weakly compact JB*-triple containing no infinite-dimensional rank-one summands onto another JB*-triple is automatically continuous. We also show that every biorthogonality preserving linear surjection between atomic JBW*-triples containing no infinite-dimensional rank-one summands is automatically continuous. Consequently, two atomic JBW*-triples containing no rank-one summands are isomorphic if and only if there exists a (not...

Automatic continuity of biseparating maps

Jesús Araujo, Krzysztof Jarosz (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a biseparating map between spaces of vector-valued continuous functions is usually automatically continuous. However, we also discuss special cases when this is not true.

Automatic continuity of operators commuting with translations

J. Alaminos, J. Extremera, A. R. Villena (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let τ X and τ Y be representations of a topological group G on Banach spaces X and Y, respectively. We investigate the continuity of the linear operators Φ: X → Y with the property that Φ τ X ( t ) = τ Y ( t ) Φ for each t ∈ G in terms of the invariant vectors in Y and the automatic continuity of the invariant linear functionals on X.

Axiomatic theory of spectrum III: semiregularities

Vladimír Müller (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce and study the notions of upper and lower semiregularities in Banach algebras. These notions generalize the previously studied notion of regularity - a class is a regularity if and only if it is both upper and lower semiregularity. Each semiregularity defines in a natural way a spectrum which satisfies a one-way spectral mapping property (the spectrum defined by a regularity satisfies the both-ways spectral mapping property).

Banach Algebra of Bounded Complex-Valued Functionals

Katuhiko Kanazashi, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Yasunari Shidama (2011)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we describe some basic properties of the Banach algebra which is constructed from all bounded complex-valued functionals.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 939