Generalization of the Shirali-Ford theorem in Hermitian locally multiplicatively convex algebras
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a harmonic functional calculus in order to generalize some extended versions of theorems of von Neumann, Heinz and Ky Fan.
The irreducible Hilbert space representations of a ⁎-algebra, the graded analogue of the Lie algebra of the group of plane motions, are classified up to unitary equivalence.
Let L¹(G)** be the second dual of the group algebra L¹(G) of a locally compact group G. We study the question of involutions on L¹(G)**. A new class of subamenable groups is introduced which is universal for all groups. There is no involution on L¹(G)** for a subamenable group G.
If A is a normed power-associative complex algebra such that the selfadjoint part is normally ordered with respect to some order, then the Korovkin closure (see the introduction for definitions) of T ∪ {t* ∘ t| t ∈ T} contains J*(T) for any subset T of A. This can be applied to C*-algebras, minimal norm ideals on a Hilbert space, and to H*-algebras. For bounded H*-algebras and dual C*-algebras there is even equality. This answers a question posed in [1].
If Σ = (X,σ) is a topological dynamical system, where X is a compact Hausdorff space and σ is a homeomorphism of X, then a crossed product Banach *-algebra ℓ¹(Σ) is naturally associated with these data. If X consists of one point, then ℓ¹(Σ) is the group algebra of the integers. The commutant C(X)₁' of C(X) in ℓ¹(Σ) is known to be a maximal abelian subalgebra which has non-zero intersection with each non-zero closed ideal, and the same holds for the commutant C(X)'⁎ of C(X) in C*(Σ), the enveloping...