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Some seminorms on quasi *-algebras

Camillo Trapani (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Different types of seminorms on a quasi *-algebra (𝔄,𝔄₀) are constructed from a suitable family ℱ of sesquilinear forms on 𝔄. Two particular classes, extended C*-seminorms and CQ*-seminorms, are studied in some detail. A necessary and sufficient condition for the admissibility of a sesquilinear form in terms of extended C*-seminorms on (𝔄,𝔄₀) is given.

Spectral well-behaved *-representations

S. J. Bhatt, M. Fragoulopoulou, A. Inoue (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In this brief account we present the way of obtaining unbounded *-representations in terms of the so-called "unbounded" C*-seminorms. Among such *-representations we pick up a special class with "good behaviour" and characterize them through some properties of the Pták function.

Sur un problème de I. Glicksberg : les idéaux fermés de type fini de M ( G )

Bernard Host, François Parreau (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit μ M ( G ) , algèbre de convolution des mesures de Radon bornées sur le groupe abélien localement compact G . Pour que μ * M ( G ) soit fermé dans M ( G ) (ou, ce qui revient au même, pour que μ * L 1 ( G ) soit fermé), il faut et il suffit que μ soit la convolution d’une mesure inversible et d’une mesure idempotente.

Symmetric Banach *-algebras: invariance of spectrum

Bruce Barnes (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a Banach *-algebra which is a subalgebra of a Banach algebra B. In this paper, assuming that A is symmetric, various conditions are given which imply that A is inverse closed in B.

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