Schur class operator functions and automorphisms of Hardy algebras.
Different types of seminorms on a quasi *-algebra (𝔄,𝔄₀) are constructed from a suitable family ℱ of sesquilinear forms on 𝔄. Two particular classes, extended C*-seminorms and CQ*-seminorms, are studied in some detail. A necessary and sufficient condition for the admissibility of a sesquilinear form in terms of extended C*-seminorms on (𝔄,𝔄₀) is given.
We show that every continuous derivation of a countably dominated Fréchet GB*-algebra A is spatial whenever A is additionally an AO*-algebra.
In this brief account we present the way of obtaining unbounded *-representations in terms of the so-called "unbounded" C*-seminorms. Among such *-representations we pick up a special class with "good behaviour" and characterize them through some properties of the Pták function.
Soit , algèbre de convolution des mesures de Radon bornées sur le groupe abélien localement compact . Pour que soit fermé dans (ou, ce qui revient au même, pour que soit fermé), il faut et il suffit que soit la convolution d’une mesure inversible et d’une mesure idempotente.
Let A be a Banach *-algebra which is a subalgebra of a Banach algebra B. In this paper, assuming that A is symmetric, various conditions are given which imply that A is inverse closed in B.