Tensor Sequences and Inductive Limits with Local Partition of Unity.
Let H(Q) be the space of all the functions which are holomorphic on an open neighbourhood of a convex locally closed subset Q of CN, endowed with its natural projective topology. We characterize when the topology of the weighted inductive limit of Fréchet spaces which is obtained as the Laplace transform of the dual H(Q)' of H(Q) can be described by weighted sup-seminorms. The behaviour of the corresponding inductive limit of spaces of continuous functions is also investigated.
We give conditions under which the functor projective limit is exact on the category of quotients of Fréchet spaces of L. Waelbroeck [18].
We study Palamodov's derived projective limit functor Proj¹ for projective spectra consisting of webbed locally convex spaces introduced by Wilde. This class contains almost all locally convex spaces appearing in analysis. We provide a natural characterization for the vanishing of Proj¹ which generalizes and unifies results of Palamodov and Retakh for spectra of Fréchet and (LB)-spaces. We thus obtain a general tool for solving surjectivity problems in analysis.
Using the technique of Fraïssé theory, for every constant , we construct a universal object in the class of Banach spaces possessing a normalized -suppression unconditional Schauder basis.