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Minimax nonparametric hypothesis testing for ellipsoids and Besov bodies

Yuri I. Ingster, Irina A. Suslina (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We observe an infinitely dimensional Gaussian random vector x = ξ + v where ξ is a sequence of standard Gaussian variables and v ∈ l2 is an unknown mean. We consider the hypothesis testing problem H0 : v = 0versus alternatives H ε , τ : v V ε for the sets V ε = V ε ( τ , ρ ε ) l 2 . The sets Vε are lq-ellipsoids of semi-axes ai = i-s R/ε with lp-ellipsoid of semi-axes bi = i-r pε/ε removed or similar Besov bodies Bq,t;s (R/ε) with Besov bodies Bp,h;r (pε/ε) removed. Here τ = ( κ , R ) or τ = ( κ , h , t , R ) ; κ = ( p , q , r , s ) are the parameters which define the sets Vε for given radii...

Model selection for regression on a random design

Yannick Baraud (2002)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the problem of estimating an unknown regression function when the design is random with values in k . Our estimation procedure is based on model selection and does not rely on any prior information on the target function. We start with a collection of linear functional spaces and build, on a data selected space among this collection, the least-squares estimator. We study the performance of an estimator which is obtained by modifying this least-squares estimator on a set of small probability....

Model selection for regression on a random design

Yannick Baraud (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the problem of estimating an unknown regression function when the design is random with values in k . Our estimation procedure is based on model selection and does not rely on any prior information on the target function. We start with a collection of linear functional spaces and build, on a data selected space among this collection, the least-squares estimator. We study the performance of an estimator which is obtained by modifying this least-squares estimator on a set of small...

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