Eigenvalue problems for a quasilinear elliptic equation on .
We prove the existence of a positive solution to the BVP imposing some conditions on Φ and f. In particular, we assume to be decreasing in t. Our method combines variational and topological arguments and can be applied to some elliptic problems in annular domains. An bound for the solution is provided by the norm of any test function with negative energy.
In this paper we examine nonlinear periodic systems driven by the vectorial -Laplacian and with a nondifferentiable, locally Lipschitz nonlinearity. Our approach is based on the nonsmooth critical point theory and uses the subdifferential theory for locally Lipschitz functions. We prove existence and multiplicity results for the “sublinear” problem. For the semilinear problem (i.e. ) using a nonsmooth multidimensional version of the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition, we prove an existence theorem...