Global regularity of the solutions to the capillarity problem
A numerically inexpensive globalization strategy of sequential quadratic programming methods (SQP-methods) for control of the instationary Navier Stokes equations is investigated. Based on the proper functional analytic setting a convergence analysis for the globalized method is given. It is argued that the a priori formidable SQP-step can be decomposed into linear primal and linear adjoint systems, which is amenable for existing CFL-software. A report on a numerical test demonstrates the feasibility...
A numerically inexpensive globalization strategy of sequential quadratic programming methods (SQP-methods) for control of the instationary Navier Stokes equations is investigated. Based on the proper functional analytic setting a convergence analysis for the globalized method is given. It is argued that the a priori formidable SQP-step can be decomposed into linear primal and linear adjoint systems, which is amenable for existing CFL-software. A report on a numerical test demonstrates the feasibility...
Starting from a motivation in the modeling of crowd movement, the paper presents the topics of gradient flows, first in , then in metric spaces, and finally in the space of probability measures endowed with the Wasserstein distance (induced by the quadratic transport cost). Differently from the usual theory by Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto and Ambrosio-Gigli-Savaré, we propose an approach where the optimality conditions for the minimizers of the optimization problems that one solves at every time step...
Starting from a motivation in the modeling of crowd movement, the paper presents the topics of gradient flows, first in , then in metric spaces, and finally in the space of probability measures endowed with the Wasserstein distance (induced by the quadratic transport cost). Differently from the usual theory by Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto and Ambrosio-Gigli-Savaré, we propose an approach where the optimality conditions for the minimizers of the optimization problems that one solves at every time step...