A general Hilbert space approach to framelets.
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Dominik Michel (2008)
Revista Matemática Complutense
Masahiro Inuiguchi (2006)
In this paper, a necessity measure optimization model of linear programming problems with fuzzy oblique vectors is discussed. It is shown that the problems are reduced to linear fractional programming problems. Utilizing a special structure of the reduced problem, we propose a solution algorithm based on Bender’s decomposition. A numerical example is given.
Eileen Kammann, Fredi Tröltzsch, Stefan Volkwein (2013)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
We consider the following problem of error estimation for the optimal control of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations: let an arbitrary admissible control function be given. How far is it from the next locally optimal control? Under natural assumptions including a second-order sufficient optimality condition for the (unknown) locally optimal control, we estimate the distance between the two controls. To do this, we need some information on the lowest eigenvalue of the reduced Hessian....
Gupta Nupur, Nataraj Neela (2011)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
In this paper, we discuss an hp-discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (hp-DGFEM) for the laser surface hardening of steel, which is a constrained optimal control problem governed by a system of differential equations, consisting of an ordinary differential equation for austenite formation and a semi-linear parabolic differential equation for temperature evolution. The space discretization of the state variable is done using an hp-DGFEM, time and control discretizations are based on a discontinuous Galerkin...
Gupta Nupur, Nataraj Neela (2011)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
In this paper, we discuss an hp-discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (hp-DGFEM) for the laser surface hardening of steel, which is a constrained optimal control problem governed by a system of differential equations, consisting of an ordinary differential equation for austenite formation and a semi-linear parabolic differential equation for temperature evolution. The space discretization of the state variable is done using an hp-DGFEM, time and control discretizations are based on a discontinuous Galerkin...
Roger Temam (1969/1970)
Séminaire Bourbaki
S. M. Robinson (1989)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire
James K. Ho, Étienne Loute (1984)
RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
Olga Guschinskaya, Alexandre Dolgui (2009)
RAIRO - Operations Research
Ce travail porte sur l'optimisation des lignes d'usinage pour la grande série. Une telle ligne comporte plusieurs postes de travail, chacun étant équipé avec boîtiers multibroches. Un boîtier multibroche exécute plusieurs opérations en parallèle. Lors de la conception en avant-projet, il est nécessaire d'affecter toutes les opérations à des boîtiers et des postes de travail de sorte à minimiser le nombre de postes et de boîtiers utilisés. Pour ce nouveau problème d'équilibrage des lignes de production,...
Kengy Barty, Pierre Carpentier, Pierre Girardeau (2010)
RAIRO - Operations Research
In this paper, we present an Uzawa-based heuristic that is adapted to certain type of stochastic optimal control problems. More precisely, we consider dynamical systems that can be divided into small-scale subsystems linked through a static almost sure coupling constraint at each time step. This type of problem is common in production/portfolio management where subsystems are, for instance, power units, and one has to supply a stochastic power demand at each time step. We outline the framework...
Monique Guignard, Siwhan Kim (1987)
RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle
Jacques-Louis Lions (2000)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Jacques-Louis Lions (2010)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
"Least regret control" consists in trying to find a control which "optimizes the situation" with the constraint of not making things too worse with respect to a known reference control, in presence of more or less significant perturbations. This notion was introduced in [7]. It is recalled on a simple example (an elliptic system, with distributed control and boundary perturbation) in Section 2. We show that the problem reduces to a standard optimal control problem for augmented state equations. On...
Boulbrachene, M., Saadi, S. (2006)
Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]
Koya Sakakibara (2017)
Applications of Mathematics
The aim of this paper is to analyze mathematically the method of fundamental solutions applied to the biharmonic problem. The key idea is to use Almansi-type decomposition of biharmonic functions, which enables us to represent the biharmonic function in terms of two harmonic functions. Based on this decomposition, we prove that an approximate solution exists uniquely and that the approximation error decays exponentially with respect to the number of the singular points. We finally present results...
Eva Žampachová, Pavel Popela, Michal Mrázek (2010)
The purpose of the paper is to discuss the applicability of stochastic programming models and methods to civil engineering design problems. In cooperation with experts in civil engineering, the problem concerning an optimal design of beam dimensions has been chosen. The corresponding mathematical model involves an ODE-type constraint, uncertain parameter related to the material characteristics and multiple criteria. As a~result, a~multi-criteria stochastic nonlinear optimization model is obtained....
Issledovanija po prikladnoj matematike
Martin Kahlbacher, Stefan Volkwein (2012)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
An optimal control problem governed by a bilinear elliptic equation is considered. This problem is solved by the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method in an infinite-dimensional framework. In each level of this iterative method the solution of linear-quadratic subproblem is computed by a Galerkin projection using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). Thus, an approximate (inexact) solution of the subproblem is determined. Based on a POD a-posteriori error estimator developed by Tröltzsch...
Martin Kahlbacher, Stefan Volkwein (2011)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
An optimal control problem governed by a bilinear elliptic equation is considered. This problem is solved by the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method in an infinite-dimensional framework. In each level of this iterative method the solution of linear-quadratic subproblem is computed by a Galerkin projection using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). Thus, an approximate (inexact) solution of the subproblem is determined. Based on a POD...
Karl Kunisch, Stefan Volkwein (2008)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a powerful technique for model reduction of non-linear systems. It is based on a Galerkin type discretization with basis elements created from the dynamical system itself. In the context of optimal control this approach may suffer from the fact that the basis elements are computed from a reference trajectory containing features which are quite different from those of the optimally controlled trajectory. A method is proposed which avoids this problem of unmodelled...
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