Sätze über reguläre Polygone
In the class of self-affine sets on ℝⁿ we study a subclass for which the geometry is rather tractable. A type is a standardized position of two intersecting pieces. For a self-affine tiling, this can be identified with an edge or vertex type. We assume that the number of types is finite. We study the topology of such fractals and their boundary sets, and we show how new finite type fractals can be constructed. For finite type self-affine tiles in the plane we give an algorithm which decides whether...
Over the past fifty years, finite element methods for the approximation of solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) have become a powerful and reliable tool. Theoretically, these methods are not restricted to PDEs formulated on physical domains up to dimension three. Although at present there does not seem to be a very high practical demand for finite element methods that use higher dimensional simplicial partitions, there are some advantages in studying the methods independent of the...