Displaying 241 – 260 of 926

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Exkurze do světa vyšší dimenze

Christian Genest, Johanna Genest Nešlehová (2022)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Trojrozměrný svět je pro nás tak přirozený, že si lze jen obtížně představit a popsat vesmír ve čtyřech nebo více dimenzích. Pojďme společně poodhalit závoj tohoto tajemství a prozkoumat vlastnosti vícerozměrných analogií krychle a koule.

Extremal problems for conditioned brownian motion and the hyperbolic metric

Rodrigo Bañuelos, Tom Carroll (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This paper investigates isoperimetric-type inequalities for conditioned Brownian motion and their generalizations in terms of the hyperbolic metric. In particular, a generalization of an inequality of P. Griffin, T. McConnell and G. Verchota, concerning extremals for the lifetime of conditioned Brownian motion in simply connected domains, is proved. The corresponding lower bound inequality is formulated in various equivalent forms and a special case of these is proved.

Fermat’s method of quadrature

Jaume Paradís, Josep Pla, Pelegrí Viader (2008)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

The Treatise on Quadratureof Fermat (c. 1659), besides containing the first known proof of the computation of the area under a higher parabola, x + m / n d x , or under a higher hyperbola, x - m / n d x —with the appropriate limits of integration in each case—has a second part which was mostly unnoticed by Fermat’s contemporaries. This second part of theTreatise is obscure and difficult to read. In it Fermat reduced the quadrature of a great number of algebraic curves in implicit form to the quadrature of known curves: the...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 926