Mathematical programming problems involving continuum of inequality constraints
Let be a uniformly bounded collection of compact convex sets in ℝ ⁿ. Katchalski extended Helly’s theorem by proving for finite ℱ that dim (⋂ ℱ) ≥ d, 0 ≤ d ≤ n, if and only if the intersection of any f(n,d) elements has dimension at least d where f(n,0) = n+1 = f(n,n) and f(n,d) = maxn+1,2n-2d+2 for 1 ≤ d ≤ n-1. An equivalent statement of Katchalski’s result for finite ℱ is that there exists δ > 0 such that the intersection of any f(n,d) elements of ℱ contains a d-dimensional ball of measure...
All continuous Minkowski valuations which are compatible with the special linear group are completely classified. One consequence of these classifications is a new characterization of the projection body operator.
Let be a separable real Hilbert space, with , and let be convex and closed in . Let be a collection of linear -subspaces of . A point is called exposed by if there is a so that . We show that, under some natural conditions, can be reconstituted as the convex hull of the closure of all its exposed by points whenever is dense and . In addition, we discuss the question when the set of exposed by some points forms a -set.
We construct a Lipschitz function on which is locally convex on the complement of some totally disconnected compact set but not convex. Existence of such function disproves a theorem that appeared in a paper by L. Pasqualini and was also cited by other authors.