Diagonals of convex sets
Under some mild assumptions, non-linear diameter-preserving bijections between (vector-valued) function spaces are characterized with the help of a well-known theorem of Ulam and Mazur. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a diameter-preserving bijection between function spaces in the complex scalar case is derived, and a complete description of such maps is given in several important cases.
We study Banach spaces with directionally asymptotically controlled ellipsoid-approximations of the unit ball in finite-dimensional sections. Here these ellipsoids are the unique minimum volume ellipsoids, which contain the unit ball of the corresponding finite-dimensional subspace. The directional control here means that we evaluate the ellipsoids by means of a given functional of the dual space. The term 'asymptotical' refers to the fact that we take 'lim sup' over finite-dimensional subspaces. ...
We introduce the convex cone constituted by the directions of majoration of a quasiconvex function. This cone is used to formulate a qualification condition ensuring the epiconvergence of a sequence of general quasiconvex marginal functions in finite dimensional spaces.