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On F-algebroids and Dubrovin’s duality

John Alexander Cruz Morales, Alexander Torres-Gomez (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this note we introduce the concept of F-algebroid, and give its elementary properties and some examples. We provide a description of the almost duality for Frobenius manifolds, introduced by Dubrovin, in terms of a composition of two anchor maps of a unique cotangent F-algebroid.

On parabolic Whittaker functions II

Sergey Oblezin (2012)

Open Mathematics

We propose a Givental-type stationary phase integral representation for the restricted Grm,N-Whittaker function, which is expected to describe the (S 1×U N)-equivariant Gromov-Witten invariants of the Grassmann variety Grm,N. Our key tool is a generalization of the Whittaker model for principal series U(gl N)-modules, and its realization in the space of functions of totally positive unipotent matrices. In particular, our construction involves a representation theoretic derivation of the Batyrev-Ciocan-Fontanine-Kim-van...

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