A field theory for symplectic fibrations over surfaces.
We discuss an analog of the Givental group action for the space of solutions of the commutativity equation. There are equivalent formulations in terms of cohomology classes on the Losev-Manin compactifications of genus moduli spaces; in terms of linear algebra in the space of Laurent series; in terms of differential operators acting on Gromov-Witten potentials; and in terms of multi-component KP tau-functions. The last approach is equivalent to the Losev-Polyubin classification that was obtained...
Let be a surface with a symplectic form, let be a symplectomorphism of , and let be the mapping torus of . We show that the dimensions of moduli spaces of embedded pseudoholomorphic curves in , with cylindrical ends asymptotic to periodic orbits of or multiple covers thereof, are bounded from above by an additive relative index. We deduce some compactness results for these moduli spaces. This paper establishes some of the foundations for a program with Michael Thaddeus, to understand...
In this note we review “quantum sheaf cohomology,” a deformation of sheaf cohomology that arises in a fashion closely akin to (and sometimes generalizing) ordinary quantum cohomology. Quantum sheaf cohomology arises in the study of (0,2) mirror symmetry, which we review. We then review standard topological field theories and the A/2, B/2 models, in which quantum sheaf cohomology arises, and outline basic definitions and computations. We then discuss (2,2) and (0,2) supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg...