Mathematical foundations of geometric quantization.
We discuss the role of Poisson-Nijenhuis (PN) geometry in the definition of multiplicative integrable models on symplectic groupoids. These are integrable models that are compatible with the groupoid structure in such a way that the set of contour levels of the hamiltonians in involution inherits a topological groupoid structure. We show that every maximal rank PN structure defines such a model. We consider the examples defined on compact hermitian symmetric spaces studied by F. Bonechi, J. Qiu...
Let be a smooth proper family of complex curves (i.e. family of Riemann surfaces), and a -bundle over with connection along the fibres . We construct a line bundle with connection on (also in cases when the connection on has regular singularities). We discuss the resulting mainly in the case . For instance when is the moduli space of line bundles with connection over a Riemann surface , , and is the Poincaré bundle over , we show that provides a prequantization of .
En este artículo se considera un marco general para la precuantización geométrica de una variedad provista de un corchete que no es necesariamente de Jacobi. La existencia de una foliación generalizada permite definir una noción de fibrado de precuantización. Se estudia una aproximación alternativa suponiendo la existencia de un algebroide de Lie sobre la variedad. Se relacionan ambos enfoques y se recuperan los resultados conocidos para variedades de Poisson y Jacobi.