Über eine Klasse Lokalkonvexer Räume Tomášek, S. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Über gewisse Klassen von Modularraümen Orlicz, W. (1962) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Uniform atoms on ω Simon, P. (1977) General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra IV
Uniform continuity in paracompact spaces Alas, O. T. (1972) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Uniform dimension of mappings Hejcman, J. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Uniformly continuous Banach valued mappings Vilímovský, J. (1977) General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra IV
Universal spaces Schori, R. M. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Very unlatticelike ordered spaces Kronheimer, E. H. (1972) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Wallman extendible functions with normal domains Hajek, D. W. (1977) General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra IV
Wallman's method Schröder, J. (1977) General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra IV
Weak compactness implies strong compactness in the space of uniform measures Schachermayer, Walter (1979) Abstracta. 7th Winter School on Abstract Analysis
When categories of presheaves are binding Trnková, V., Reiterman, J. (1972) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Zum Eigenwertproblem bei analytischen operatorwertigen Funktionen, deren Koeffizienten positive Operatoren sind Maibaum, G. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Компактные представления непрерывных алгебраических структур Prodanov, I. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Метрические пространства над полуполями Antonovskij, M. (1962) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Некоторые свойства когомологических розмерностей компактов Kuz'minov, V. I. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
Некоторые теоремы о топологическом вложении Keldysh, L. V. (1962) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
О конечнократных отображениях Zarelua, A. V. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
О поперечниках Урысона n -мерной Эвклидовой сферы Tikhomirov, V. M., Tumarkin, L. A. (1972) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra
О розмерности dm топологических пространств Adnadjević, D. (1967) General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra