Is the product of ccc spaces a ccc space?
In this expository paper it is shown that Martin's Axiom and the negation of the Continuum Hypothesis imply that the product of ccc spaces is a ccc space. The Continuum Hypothesis is then used to construct the Laver-Gavin example of two ccc spaces whose product is not a ccc space.
Jordan's curve theorem.
O pojmu prostoru v topologii
O topologii. I
O topologii. II
O topologii. III
Point Sets [Book]
Tietze's extension theorem.
Topological spaces [Book]
Topologické prostory. S dodatky: J. Novák, Konstrukce některých význačných topologických prostorů; M. Katětov, Plně normální prostory [Book]
Topologie II [Book]
Unraveling the Tangled Complexity of DNA: Combining Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Biology to Understand Replication, Recombination and Repair
How does DNA, the molecule containing genetic information, change its three-dimensional shape during the complex cellular processes of replication, recombination and repair? This is one of the core questions in molecular biology which cannot be answered without help from mathematical modeling. Basic concepts of topology and geometry can be introduced in undergraduate teaching to help students understand counterintuitive complex structural transformations...