Displaying 121 – 140 of 141

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Strongly sequential spaces

Frédéric Mynard (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The problem of Y. Tanaka [10] of characterizing the topologies whose products with each first-countable space are sequential, is solved. The spaces that answer the problem are called strongly sequential spaces in analogy to strongly Fréchet spaces.

Structure resolvability

Rolando Jimenez, Viacheslav I. Malykhin (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce the general notion of structure resolvability and structure irresolvability, generalizing the usual concepts of resolvability and irresolvability.

Summable Family in a Commutative Group

Roland Coghetto (2015)

Formalized Mathematics

Hölzl et al. showed that it was possible to build “a generic theory of limits based on filters” in Isabelle/HOL [22], [7]. In this paper we present our formalization of this theory in Mizar [6]. First, we compare the notions of the limit of a family indexed by a directed set, or a sequence, in a metric space [30], a real normed linear space [29] and a linear topological space [14] with the concept of the limit of an image filter [16]. Then, following Bourbaki [9], [10] (TG.III, §5.1 Familles sommables...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 141