On proximity ordered spaces
In this note, a topological version of the results obtained, in connection with the de Rham reducibility theorem (Comment. Math. Helv., 26 ( 1952), 328–344), by S. Kashiwabara (Tôhoku Math. J., 8 (1956), 13–28), (Tôhoku Math. J., 11 (1959), 327–350) and Ia. L. Sapiro (Izv. Bysh. Uceb. Zaved. Mat. no6, (1972), 78–85, Russian), (Izv. Bysh. Uceb. Zaved. Mat. no4, (1974), 104–113, Russian) is given. Thus a characterization of a class of topological spaces covered by a product space is obtained and the...
A sufficient condition that the product of two compact spaces has the property of weak approximation by points (briefly WAP) is given. It follows that the product of the unit interval with a compact WAP space is also a WAP space.
A space is -starcompact if for every open cover of there exists a Lindelöf subset of such that We clarify the relations between -starcompact spaces and other related spaces and investigate topological properties of -starcompact spaces. A question of Hiremath is answered.
We prove that the cardinality of power homogeneous Hausdorff spaces X is bounded by . This inequality improves many known results and it also solves a question by J. van Mill. We further introduce Δ-power homogeneity, which leads to a new proof of van Douwen’s theorem.
In the framework of ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice) we provide topological and Boolean-algebraic characterizations of the statements " is countably compact" and " is compact"
We give sufficient and necessary conditions to be fulfilled by a filter and an ideal in order that the -quotient space of the -ideal product space preserves -properties () (“in the sense of the Łos theorem”). Tychonoff products, box products and ultraproducts appear as special cases of the general construction.