On continuous maps in closure spaces.
We will show that under for each there exists a group whose -th power is countably compact but whose -th power is not countably compact. In particular, for each there exists and a group whose -th power is countably compact but the -st power is not countably compact.
Among completely regular locales, we characterize those that have the feature described in the title. They are, of course, localic analogues of what are called -isocompact spaces. They have been considered in T. Dube, I. Naidoo, C. N. Ncube (2014), so here we give new characterizations that do not appear in this reference.
We call a function P-preserving if, for every subspace with property P, its image also has property P. Of course, all continuous maps are both compactness- and connectedness-preserving and the natural question about when the converse of this holds, i.e. under what conditions such a map is continuous, has a long history. Our main result is that any nontrivial product function, i.e. one having at least two nonconstant factors, that has connected domain, range, and is connectedness-preserving...
A subset of a product of topological spaces is called -thin if every its two distinct points differ in at least coordinates. We generalize a construction of Gruenhage, Natkaniec, and Piotrowski, and obtain, under CH, a countable space without isolated points such that contains an -thin dense subset, but does not contain any -thin dense subset. We also observe that part of the construction can be carried out under MA.