Displaying 241 – 260 of 1011

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Disconnectedness properties of hyperspaces

Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be a Hausdorff space and let be one of the hyperspaces C L ( X ) , 𝒦 ( X ) , ( X ) or n ( X ) ( n a positive integer) with the Vietoris topology. We study the following disconnectedness properties for : extremal disconnectedness, being a F ' -space, P -space or weak P -space and hereditary disconnectedness. Our main result states: if X is Hausdorff and F X is a closed subset such that (a) both F and X - F are totally disconnected, (b) the quotient X / F is hereditarily disconnected, then 𝒦 ( X ) is hereditarily disconnected. We also...

Distributivity law for the normal triples in the category of compacta and lifting of functors to the categories of algebras

Michael M. Zarichnyi (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate the triples in the category of compacta whose functorial parts are normal functors in the sense of E.V. Shchepin (normal triples). The problem of lifting of functors to the categories of algebras of the normal triples is considered. The distributive law for normal triples is completely described.

Does C* -embedding imply C*-embedding in the realm of products with a non-discrete metric factor?

Valentin Gutev, Haruto Ohta (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The above question was raised by Teodor Przymusiński in May, 1983, in an unpublished manuscript of his. Later on, it was recognized by Takao Hoshina as a question that is of fundamental importance in the theory of rectangular normality. The present paper provides a complete affirmative solution. The technique developed for the purpose allows one to answer also another question of Przymusiński's.

Dugundji extenders and retracts on generalized ordered spaces

Gary Gruenhage, Yasunao Hattori, Haruto Ohta (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a subspace A of a space X, a linear extender φ:C(A) → C(X) is called an L c h -extender (resp. L c c h -extender) if φ(f)[X] is included in the convex hull (resp. closed convex hull) of f[A] for each f ∈ C(A). Consider the following conditions (i)-(vii) for a closed subset A of a GO-space X: (i) A is a retract of X; (ii) A is a retract of the union of A and all clopen convex components of X; (iii) there is a continuous L c h -extender φ:C(A × Y) → C(X × Y), with respect to both the compact-open topology and...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 1011