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Spaces of continuous functions, Σ -products and Box Topology

J. Angoa, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a Tychonoff space X , we will denote by X 0 the set of its isolated points and X 1 will be equal to X X 0 . The symbol C ( X ) denotes the space of real-valued continuous functions defined on X . κ is the Cartesian product κ with its box topology, and C ( X ) is C ( X ) with the topology inherited from X . By C ^ ( X 1 ) we denote the set { f C ( X 1 ) : f can be continuously extended to all of X } . A space X is almost- ω -resolvable if it can be partitioned by a countable family of subsets in such a way that every non-empty open subset of X has a non-empty...

Spaces with large relative extent

Yan-Kui Song (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we prove the following statements: (1) For every regular uncountable cardinal κ , there exist a Tychonoff space X and Y a subspace of X such that Y is both relatively absolute star-Lindelöf and relative property (a) in X and e ( Y , X ) κ , but Y is not strongly relative star-Lindelöf in X and X is not star-Lindelöf. (2) There exist a Tychonoff space X and a subspace Y of X such that Y is strongly relative star-Lindelöf in X (hence, relative star-Lindelöf), but Y is not absolutely relative star-Lindelöf...

Special sets of reals and weak forms of normality on Isbell--Mrówka spaces

Vinicius de Oliveira Rodrigues, Victor dos Santos Ronchim, Paul J. Szeptycki (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We recall some classical results relating normality and some natural weakenings of normality in Ψ -spaces over almost disjoint families of branches in the Cantor tree to special sets of reals like Q -sets, λ -sets and σ -sets. We introduce a new class of special sets of reals which corresponds to the corresponding almost disjoint family of branches being 0 -separated. This new class fits between λ -sets and perfectly meager sets. We also discuss conditions for an almost disjoint family 𝒜 being potentially...

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