-points vs -points and -points
In a Tychonoff space , the point is called a -point if every real-valued continuous function on can be extended continuously to . Every point in an extremally disconnected space is a -point. A classic example is the space consisting of the countable ordinals together with . The point is known to be a -point as well as a -point. We supply a characterization of -points in totally ordered spaces. The remainder of our time is aimed at studying when a point in a product space is a -point....
Calibres, compacta and diagonals
For a space Z let 𝒦(Z) denote the partially ordered set of all compact subspaces of Z under set inclusion. If X is a compact space, Δ is the diagonal in X², and 𝒦(X²∖Δ) has calibre (ω₁,ω), then X is metrizable. There is a compact space X such that X²∖Δ has relative calibre (ω₁,ω) in 𝒦(X²∖Δ), but which is not metrizable. Questions of Cascales et al. (2011) concerning order constraints on 𝒦(A) for every subspace of a space X are answered.
Cardinal functions on compact F-spaces and on weakly countably complete Boolean algebras
Cardinal sequences and Cohen real extensions
We show that if we add any number of Cohen reals to the ground model then, in the generic extension, a locally compact scattered space has at most levels of size ω. We also give a complete ZFC characterization of the cardinal sequences of regular scattered spaces. Although the classes of regular and of 0-dimensional scattered spaces are different, we prove that they have the same cardinal sequences.
Cardinal sequences of length < ω₂ under GCH
Let (α) denote the class of all cardinal sequences of length α associated with compact scattered spaces (or equivalently, superatomic Boolean algebras). Also put . We show that f ∈ (α) iff for some natural number n there are infinite cardinals and ordinals such that and where each . Under GCH we prove that if α < ω₂ then (i) ; (ii) if λ > cf(λ) = ω, ; (iii) if cf(λ) = ω₁, ; (iv) if cf(λ) > ω₁, . This yields a complete characterization of the classes (α) for all α < ω₂,...
Cardinalities and ranks of -bases in topological spaces
Centered-Lindelöfness versus star-Lindelöfness
We discuss various generalizations of the class of Lindelöf spaces and study the difference between two of these generalizations, the classes of star-Lindelöf and centered-Lindelöf spaces.
Chain conditions and products
Closed and open sets in topologies induced by lattice ordered vector groups
Coherent ultrafilters and nonhomogeneity
We introduce the notion of a coherent -ultrafilter on a complete ccc Boolean algebra, strengthening the notion of a -point on , and show that these ultrafilters exist generically under . This improves the known existence result of Ketonen [On the existence of -points in the Stone-Čech compactification of integers, Fund. Math. 92 (1976), 91–94]. Similarly, the existence theorem of Canjar [On the generic existence of special ultrafilters, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1990), no. 1, 233–241] can...
Collectionwise Hausdorff property in product spaces
Compact and extremally disconnected spaces.
Compact scattered spaces in forcing extensions
We consider the cardinal sequences of compact scattered spaces in models where CH is false. We describe a number of models of in which no such space can have ℵ₂ countable levels.
Compact sets without converging sequences in the random real model.
Compactifications, and ring epimorphisms.
Compactness of the hyperplane topology
Complete -bounded groups need not be -factorizable
We present an example of a complete -bounded topological group which is not -factorizable. In addition, every -set in the group is open, but is not Lindelöf.
Completely regular modification and products
Completely regular spaces
We conduct an investigation of the relationships which exist between various generalizations of complete regularity in the setting of merotopic spaces, with particular attention to filter spaces such as Cauchy spaces and convergence spaces. Our primary contribution consists in the presentation of several counterexamples establishing the divergence of various such generalizations of complete regularity. We give examples of: (1) a contigual zero space which is not weakly regular and is not a Cauchy...