Displaying 181 – 200 of 256

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Periodic problems for ODEs via multivalued Poincaré operators

Lech Górniewicz (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

We shall consider periodic problems for ordinary differential equations of the form x ' ( t ) = f ( t , x ( t ) ) , x ( 0 ) = x ( a ) , where f : [ 0 , a ] × R n R n satisfies suitable assumptions. To study the above problem we shall follow an approach based on the topological degree theory. Roughly speaking, if on some ball of R n , the topological degree of, associated to (), multivalued Poincaré operator P turns out to be different from zero, then problem () has solutions. Next by using the multivalued version of the classical Liapunov-Krasnoselskǐ guiding potential...

Periodic segments and Nielsen numbers

Klaudiusz Wójcik (1999)

Banach Center Publications

We prove that the Poincaré map φ ( 0 , T ) has at least N ( h ˜ , c l ( W 0 W 0 - ) ) fixed points (whose trajectories are contained inside the segment W) where the homeomorphism h ˜ is given by the segment W.

Realization of fixed point sets of relative maps

Moo Ha Woo, Xuezhi Zhao (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given a relative map f: (X,A) → (X,A) on a pair (X,A) of compact polyhedra and a closed subset Y of X, we shall give some criteria for Y to be the fixed point set of some map relatively homotopic to f.

Reducing the number of periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a self-map of a simply-connected manifold with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers

Grzegorz Graff, Agnieszka Kaczkowska (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f be a smooth self-map of an m-dimensional (m ≥ 4) closed connected and simply-connected manifold such that the sequence L ( f ) n = 1 of the Lefschetz numbers of its iterations is periodic. For a fixed natural r we wish to minimize, in the smooth homotopy class, the number of periodic points with periods less than or equal to r. The resulting number is given by a topological invariant J[f] which is defined in combinatorial terms and is constant for all sufficiently large r. We compute J[f] for self-maps...

Reidemeister conjugacy for finitely generated free fundamental groups

Evelyn L. Hart (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a space with the homotopy type of a bouquet of k circles, and let f: X → X be a map. In certain cases, algebraic techniques can be used to calculate N(f), the Nielsen number of f, which is a homotopy invariant lower bound on the number of fixed points for maps homotopic to f. Given two fixed points of f, x and y, and their corresponding group elements, W x and W y , the fixed points are Nielsen equivalent if and only if there is a solution z ∈ π₁(X) to the equation z = W y - 1 f ( z ) W x . The Nielsen number is the...

Reidemeister orbit sets

Boju Jiang, Seoung Ho Lee, Moo Ha Woo (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The Reidemeister orbit set plays a crucial role in the Nielsen type theory of periodic orbits, much as the Reidemeister set does in Nielsen fixed point theory. Extending Ferrario's work on Reidemeister sets, we obtain algebraic results such as addition formulae for Reidemeister orbit sets. Similar formulae for Nielsen type essential orbit numbers are also proved for fibre preserving maps.

Relative Borsuk-Ulam Theorems for Spaces with a Free ℤ₂-action

Denise de Mattos, Thaís F. M. Monis, Edivaldo L. dos Santos (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let (X,A) be a pair of topological spaces, T : X → X a free involution and A a T-invariant subset of X. In this context, a question that naturally arises is whether or not all continuous maps f : X k have a T-coincidence point, that is, a point x ∈ X with f(x) = f(T(x)). In this paper, we obtain results of this nature under cohomological conditions on the spaces A and X.

Rétractes Absolus de Voisinage Algébriques

Cauty, Robert (2005)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C55, 54H25, 55M20.We introduce the class of algebraic ANRs. It is defined by replacing continuous maps by chain mappings in Lefschetz’s characterization of ANRs. To a large extent, the theory of algebraic ANRs parallels the classical theory of ANRs. Every ANR is an algebraic ANR, but the class of algebraic ANRs is much larger; the most striking difference between these classes is that every locally equiconnected metrisable space is an algebraic ANR, whereas...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 256